What Temperature Should Fridges and Freezers Be Kept at?

Have you ever wondered if your fridge and freezer are at the temperature they should be? Here is how cold your fridge and freezer should be:
What Temperature Should My Fridge Be?
Your fridge should be between 3-5°C (37-40°F) in order to store your food safely.

Bacteria grows best on food that is in the ‘danger zone’ which is between 8-63°C. So, it’s critical that your refrigerator is set to the correct temperature. (1)
What Happens if My Fridge Is Too Warm?
Put simply, a too-warm fridge causes your food to spoil, drastically increasing your risk of food poisoning. Not only is this a serious health risk, but it can also result in excessive food and financial waste.
Usually, if your food begins to smell it’s a clear sign that your fridge is too warm.
What Happens if My Fridge Is Too Cold?
If your fridge’s temperature is too low, it can lead to your food freezing. You have a fridge for a reason, so you don’t want it doing your freezer’s job.
You will be able to see if your fridge is too cold if you find frost on your food or inside your fridge.
How do I Change the Temperature of my Fridge?
Every fridge comes with a dial thermostat, that is located internally at the top or the side of your appliance.
- Locate your thermostat
- Twist it to the desired position (we recommend a middle-of-the-range setting)
Remember that 1 is the coldest and 5 is the warmest.
What Temperature Should My Freezer Be?
Your freezer should be kept at -18°C (0°F) to ensure the safe freezing of your food.
Freezing food stops the growth of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. If your freezer is beyond this temperature these harmful bacteria will begin to grow and spoil your food items. (2)
What Happens if My Freezer Is Too Warm?
If your freezer is too warm your food is likely to spoil. Harmful bacteria and microorganisms can begin to grow on your food, making them potentially unfit for consumption. Once again, not only is this a risk to human health, but also comes with a lot of waste.
What Happens if My Freezer Is Too Cold?
If a freezer is too cold, it can lead to an excessive buildup of frost and damage to the defrost heater. This component, although it sounds oxymoronic, helps to regulate the temperature of the appliance.
Its role is to circulate heat and air, preventing excess frost from forming.
How do I Change the Temperature of my Freezer?
Every fridge comes with a dial thermostat, that is located internally at the top or the side of your appliance.
- Locate your thermostat
- Twist it to the desired position
What to do if Your Fridge is not Maintaining Optimal Temperature?
If your fridge or freezer is struggling to maintain the right temperature even when adjusting the thermostat, it might be a sign of a faulty appliance. If this is the case, the best thing to do is contact the manufacturer or the place where you purchased the appliance from.
Have you purchased your appliance from Modern Living and experiencing issues? Our friendly team is happy to help. Give us a call, send us an email or fill out our contact form below and we’ll answer your queries.