FAQ – Why do Fridges Leak?

You’ve just found a puddle of water under your fridge and you are now wondering why your fridge is leaking? Don’t worry, Modern Living has all the answers you need. Read our article on the topic to troubleshoot a leaking fridge.
Why is my Fridge Leaking Water? – 3 Common Reasons
There are many reasons why a fridge might be leaking water. If your appliance is quite a few years old, water leaks could be a sign it’s coming to the end of its lifespan. One of the most common reasons for a leaking fridge, however, is blocked drain tubes.
Here are some more details on the common reasons your fridge might be leaking:
Blocked Drain Tubes
As we already mentioned, blocked drain tubes are a common cause of a leaking fridge. Usually it’s not too hard to fix on your own and shouldn’t take too long. The first step to fixing a blocked drain is taking out all the food and turning off the appliance.
Next find the drain cover, usually located at the bottom or the front of your fridge and identify the blockage. If the drain is frozen, defrost it by pouring warm (NOT boiling) water on it. Another cause might be something stuck in the pipe. You can use a thin, stiff wire to remove the blockage. Once the tubes are clean, simply use a towel to dry the excess water.
Door Not Fully Closing
Another reason why your fridge might be leaking water, particularly with fridge-freezers is because the door is not closing properly. This can be due to the build up of ice in the freezer section or a cracked or faulty door seal. To make sure your fridge closes properly it’s recommended to defrost and deep clean it to ensure there is no ice blocking the door. When doing this check the door seal to make sure it’s intact and not broken anywhere.
Cracked Drain Pan
On the underside of your fridge, you’ll find a drain pan which collects the condensation from the fins. Usually, the collected water evaporates, so there is no need to empty it. However, if the pan is cracked, split or dented, you may find that the collected water is leaking onto your floor.
What Should I do if my Fridge Won’t Stop Leaking?
So what should you do if your fridge is leaking and you aren’t too sure how to fix it? First thing to do is check the product manual. This will likely have troubleshooting information and specific solutions for your fridge model.
If you’re still struggling with fixing the issue, contact the manufacturer or the retailer you bought the fridge from. They’ll be able to help you identify the issue and troubleshoot it with you.
Here at Modern Living, we take pride in our unbeatable customer support, so if you have bought an appliance from us and are having issues, don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can reach out via email on service@modernlivingdirect.co.uk or by phone on 01274 541236.
And if you’re looking for a new fridge, why not take a look at our range? You can shop our appliances online or in our showroom based in Bradford.