FAQ – Why Does my Fridge Make Noises?

Your fridge normally makes some noise when operating. Finding out where a particular noise is coming from will help you determine if it’s anything you should worry about.
Here is how to troubleshoot a noisy fridge, from the experts at Modern Living.
Why do Fridges Make Noises?
Much like any other kitchen appliance, the different components of your fridge make various noises. The noise people refer to most often when talking about their fridge is that of the compressor. The motor of your fridge will make a low humming or pulsating noise. If the noise gets louder over time, however, it might be a sign of potential issues.
The refrigerant flowing through the cooling system often makes a gurgling sound. If you’re hearing a fan noise, this is most likely the internal cooling fan creating air movement. And if your fridge has a defrost timer, you might sometimes hear clicking when the appliance comes in or out of the defrost cycle.
Why do Fridges make Noise at Night?
The reason you hear your fridge making particular noises at night is due to temperature changes. As the temperature drops at night the refrigerator walls expand and contract. Don’t worry though, as this is completely normal and shouldn’t pose concerns.
When Should I Worry About My Fridge Making Noises?
If you think your fridge is making noises that are abnormal, the first important step is to inspect the appliance and find out if there is a problem. To help you determine whether there might be an issue with your appliance, here are some of the noises your fridge shouldn’t be making:
- Rattling – The first thing to do if you’re hearing a rattling noise from your fridge is to check its position. If your appliance is too close to a surface it might be stopping air ventilation, causing a rattling sound.
- Grinding/scraping – If your fridge is making a scraping sound it might be something as simple as an obstruction in the fan blade. Shuffle any items in the way of the fan blade to ensure it’s not obstructed in any way.
- No noise at all – While it’s operating, your fridge should make some noise. If there is no noise at all, it may be an indication that there is a fault. For instance, if your fridge is not cold enough but the light is still on, you might be dealing with a damaged compressor.
What Can I do About a Noisy Fridge?
As we have determined some noise is perfectly normal while your fridge is operating. However, if an appliance is making too much noise (or no noise at all) it might be a sign of a problem. If you’re concerned about the functionality of your fridge, we would recommend contacting the manufacturer or retailer you got the appliance from.
If you have bought a fridge from Modern Living and are experiencing problems with your appliance, please contact our customer service for assistance. You can give us a call at 01274 541236 or drop us an email at service@modernlivingdirect.co.uk.
And if you’re in the market for a new fridge browse our range here or visit our Bradford-based showroom!